Avanti Indietro Indice

1. Introduction

Caitoo ( formerly known as KGet ) is a download manager similar to Go!zilla(tm) or GetRight Download(tm).

It keeps all your downloads in one dialog. Program supports drag & drop from KDE applications or Netscape. You can easily drag URL's from kfm or Netscape into Caitoo. Transfer will register on the list and you can simply organize them ( add, delete, stop, resume, move around on the list). Status window shows size of each transfer, current progress in percents, current transfer speed and estimated time to finishing of transfer.

Caitoo is utilizing libkio and kioslaves.

Users can set retry count for transfer, schedule it for later start or simply add transfers to the list without starting them. Caitoo also supports queueing. Transfer list can be exported to / imported from file, and this list can be set to autosave every X minutes. Other features include auto-disconnecting, auto-shutdown, auto-paste and also expert mode for experienced users.

Caitoo can automatically check you Internet connection and start/stop transfers accordingly.

I hope you will find Caitoo useful,

Matt Koss


Avanti Indietro Indice